​H E N R Y P A N I O N, I I I
Orchestral Commissions
A select list of Dr. Panion's most-celebrated instrumental compositions that have been commissioned and programmed by orchestras across the globe can be viewed below.​
Dreams of Hope for Solo Violin & Orchestra - EMMY Award-Winning composition premiered by Dr. Panion and orchestra and featured in the PBS broadcast and worldwide festival-winning film Dreams of Hope.
Visionland Fanfare & March - Premiered at the Grand Opening of Visionland Theme Park and adapted for the Entry of Nations at the Opening & Closing Ceremonies of the World Games 2022.​
Ride on King Jesus - Premiered by Conductor David Itkin and the Alabama Symphony Orchestra and recorded on the Billboard top Classical Crossover and Gospel charting record Gospel Goes Classical.
Fanfare & Elegy - Premiered by Conductor Leonard Slatkin and the National Symphony Orchestra for their 1996 US Tour and Grand Opening of the Alys Robinson Stephens Performing Arts Center.
Ain't A That Good News - Premiered by the Alabama Symphony Orchestra on Gospel Goes Classical II, the work follows the successful setting of other negro spirituals set for orchestra by Dr. Panion.
Sculpting a State: Alabama 200 - Commissioned by the Porch Creek Indians and premiered during the Bicentennial celebration of the State of Alabama, this immersive multimedia composition was projected on the Alabama State Capital buildings .
Here We Are - Critically-acclaimed commissioned programed by the Minnesota Orchestra, Detroit Symphony, Alabama Symphony, and the New York Philharmonic.

Opened in 1996, the Alys Robinson Stephens Performing Arts Center is the home of the Alabama Symphony Orchestra and the UAB Departments of Music and Theatre. With four state-of-the-art performance spaces added to the redesigned Mary Culp Hulsey Recital Hall, more than 250 concerts are presented each year in the five venues encompassing the UAB arts district.
When the Alabama Symphony Orchestra expressed the desire to have a shoebox-designed hall to perform its classical masterworks concerts, the original design was modified to include the orchestra.
Whether originally commissioned for performance in the Alys Stephens Center or debuted there after being premiered elsewhere, Dr. Panion's compositions have flourished by having such a superior space to perform and listen to the glorious sounds of orchestral music.